
ملح خام

ملح ناتج من ترسيب مياه البحر

يتم استخراجه من بحيرات سيوة

يتم استخدامه كملح ذوبان الجليد للبلاد الأوروبية او الدول المتجمدة –
مادة حافظة للأغذية –
يدحل فى صناعة الكيماويات والمنظفات الصناعية –
مصانع منتجات الألبان – مصانع المخللات – مصانع السمسم – غلايات البخار –

A textured surface of white crystalline salt is adjacent to a calm blue body of water. The salt forms a rough, uneven edge against the smooth water, creating a stark contrast between the two elements.
A textured surface of white crystalline salt is adjacent to a calm blue body of water. The salt forms a rough, uneven edge against the smooth water, creating a stark contrast between the two elements.

ملح بودرة فائق النعومة

المنظفات الصناعية – مكسبات الطعم

مصانع المنظفات والكيماويات – مصانع الأغذية

مصانع الاسناكس – مستحضرات التجميل

Bright living room with modern inventory
Bright living room with modern inventory

ملح طعام (ملح مائدة) الدرجة الغذائية

ملح مائدة – ملح لمصانع الاعلاف

مصانع الأغذية – منتجات الألبان

Bright living room with modern inventory
Bright living room with modern inventory
Bright living room with modern inventory
Bright living room with modern inventory

ملح مغسول

ملح مائدة – ملح لمصانع الاعلاف

مصانع الأغذية – منتجات الألبان

ملح مطبخ

Bright living room with modern inventory
Bright living room with modern inventory

Cours Salt / over size

معرض المنتجات

استعرض صور ملح مونر ومنتجاتنا عالية الجودة والمتميزة.

A close-up view of crystalline salt deposits forming on a rough, textured surface. The image shows patches of white salt clustered together, with a sandy, earthy brown background. The texture is uneven, with the salt crystals creating intricate patterns.
A close-up view of crystalline salt deposits forming on a rough, textured surface. The image shows patches of white salt clustered together, with a sandy, earthy brown background. The texture is uneven, with the salt crystals creating intricate patterns.
Several people stand and work on a salt flat, using tools to break and collect salt blocks. The landscape is dry and expansive, with a bright, clear sky overhead. The individuals wear casual clothing and appear to be focused on their tasks.
Several people stand and work on a salt flat, using tools to break and collect salt blocks. The landscape is dry and expansive, with a bright, clear sky overhead. The individuals wear casual clothing and appear to be focused on their tasks.
A close-up view of coarse pink salt crystals, varying in size and texture, with a subtle shimmer effect.
A close-up view of coarse pink salt crystals, varying in size and texture, with a subtle shimmer effect.
Multiple rectangular salt pans arranged in a grid pattern with dark embankments. The surfaces of the pans have varying shades of brown and beige with salt deposits accumulated at the edges.
Multiple rectangular salt pans arranged in a grid pattern with dark embankments. The surfaces of the pans have varying shades of brown and beige with salt deposits accumulated at the edges.

تواصل معنا

للاستفسارات والمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى التواصل معنا عبر الهاتف أو البريد الإلكتروني. نحن هنا لخدمتكم.



